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DWaRFx by Gareth Murfin & David Newton
Full Commands list for v2.4 of DWaRFx
Thankyou for downloading & installing DWaRFx and then having the sense
to print off this essential list of commands.
3 Important notes to succeed with DWaRFx :-
Join #AmIRC GalaxyNet (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org 6668) to meet the authors.
/Dfx begins DWaRFx although it SHOULD begin automatically on connection.
For these commands to work you must have typed this in AmIRC to setup all
the alais's etc:- /rx Rexx/DWaRFx/DWaRFALiAS.AmIRX
%QUIT - This stops DWaRFx running. You only have to use this command
if you wish to continue using AmIRC, but without the aid of
DWaRFx. DWaRFx will normally quit when you quit AmIRC.
%RELOAD - This command rereads the DWaRFx config file ('DWaRFCoNFiG.DaT').
This is useful if you have changed the config file, while DWaRFx
is running, as it save's you the trouble of quiting it, and then
reloading DWaRFx to use the new config settings.
%DEBUG - This command is mainly for debugging purposes. You shouldn't
need to use this command as it is only used to test DWaRFx
is working properly. This will output the value of an ARexx
variable (supplied along with the %DEBUG command) from the
DWaRFx ARexx script.
All MASTER commands for your DWaRFx may only be sent by you. '%'
commands sent by somebody else on irc to you, will not be processed by
@{b}List of commands available in DWaRFx :-@{ub}
/DwVERS - Shows your Version in Main for all to see.
/DwCALC - Brings up a calculator for quick sums.
/DwTIME - Brings up the date and time settings
/DwCLOCK - Brings up a Clock
/DwSOUND - Brings up Play16 requester (if its in C:)
(so you can manually listen to sounds on
/DwVIEW - Brings up ViewTek requester (if its in C:)
(so you can manually view pictures on
/DwAWAY <away message> - Sets you away with the reason specified
/DwBACK - Sets you back.
/DwKICK <nick> <time> - Sets a speak kick on <nick> for <time> seconds.
If no time is specified a default of 60 sec is
/dk <number1-22> <nick>- Kicks <nick> using kick number <1-22>
/dk RANDWARF <nick> - Kicks <nick> using a randomly picked kick
from 1-22
/DwSCALE <nick> <1-10> - Judges <nick> on a scale of 1-10 in Main.
1 is good and 10 is bad, 9 kicks, 10 kickbans,
/DwTALK - Makes a robotic voice Speak all the words in
AmIRC.1. Private messages are spoken slower
than Main messages so you can distinguish them.
To quit msg yourself DIEKRYTEN.
/DwBOMB - Innitiates a very nasty Channel bomb which will
Mass deop,ban & kick all users.
/DwMDEOP - Mass DeOPs entire channel.
/DwMKICK - Mass Kicks Entire channel.
/DwQUIT <reason> - Quits AmIRC with the <reason> given.
/DwMOP - Mass OPs entire channel.
/DwRAWAY 0 <AwayReason>- Sets you away with a random RedDwarf Away quote
and also the <reason> given. The 0 picks a
random RedDwarf quote but you could replace it
with 1-5 to pick specific quotes.
/DwRAWAY 0 - Sets you back with a random reddwarf quote.The
0 picks a random RedDwarf quote but you could
replace it with 1-5 to pick specific quotes.
/DwMINVITE <channel> - Mass Invites everyone in the channel to the
channel specified. (ie, join if you joined #Gaz
and typed /DwMINVITE #AmIRC then you would
invite everyone in #Gaz to #AmIRC).
/DwMINVITE2 <channel> - Mass Invites the channel to the channel specified
Puts a 15 sec Gap between each invite to stop
the user getting flooded on large channels
such as #FunFactory.
(ie, join if you joined #Gaz and typed /DwMINVITE
#AmIRC then you would invite everyone in #Gaz
to #AmIRC although it would wait 15sec between
each invite.).
/DwMMSG <message> - Mass messages the entire channel with the text
/DwINSULT <options> <nick> - Insults <nick> in Main with the options
<options>. Each option must be seperated by a
space! Options are :-
/W<delay> will pause inbetween output for that
many vblanks (second/50).
/S will speak the insult on clients with a rexx
speech script turned on.
/#<number_of_insults> will send that many random
insults (1-25).
/F<insults_file_name> will use the insults from
the file named instead of
Alternatively Miss out options and just simply
insult <nick> in main. (Check out
AmIRC:rexx/DWaRFx/ to see how you can edit
the insults)
/DwINSULT - Picks a nick at random and insults them.
/DwMUNVOICE - Mass Unvoices the entire channel.
/DwCOPY - Runs a Private Nickserv which deals with users
who are trying to steal your Nick. Ie, If
You were Gaz and someone tried to use the nick
StarGAZer then the script would kick them.
/DwALIAS - Set Up the Alias's, should be the 1st thing you
do when setting up DWaRFx. If you havent done it
yet, type this now ->
/DwANNOY - Mass Deops Channel Then Really annoys them with
flashing screens, changing channelModes and
encode... (email gazy@globalnet.co.uk if you think
that there should be a none ops version too)
/DwBAR - Sets up a DWaRFBAR where people can get snacks from.
#Menu will automatically dcc the menu to them.
Options Once Begun are :-
#QUIT - quits script remotely
#MENU - Sends user a menu
#<snack>- Sends user the snack.
#<other>- Tells user that is not available.
@{FG shine} @{b}Note@{ub}: If you want to perform these functions to yourself
then you must priv msg the above
commands to yourself. Others can simply put them in main. @{FG text}
/DwLOG - Takes all text from all windows and puts it into
Main for all to see. used to show up users who insult
you in Priv Msg... (can go a bit mental if you join
a server while its activated)
Options Once Begun are :-
#DIEHOLLY - quits script remotely
#REDDWARF - Sends user a list of DWaRFx features
# - Slaps User :)
@{FG shine} @{b}Note@{ub}: If you want to perform these functions to yourself
then you must priv msg the above
commands to yourself. Others can simply put them in main. @{FG text}
/DwMHIDE - Performs a Mass Hide Ops operation, If the channel is
full of ops it will look like there is no ops. If it
is a mixed bag of ops and non ops it will reverse all
the op signs by opping the none ops and giving the
appearance that the ops dont have ops. (trying to see
how many times I could fit the word Ops into a
sentance :).
/DwREPLY <nick> <text> - Sends a confusing fake reply to <nick> saying
/DwDEF <1-22> - Will put a definition of a funny RedDwarf object into
main for all to see, choose from 1 to 22.
/DwDEF RANDOM - Will put a definition of a funny RedDwarf object into
main for all to see, selects randomly from 22 choices.
/DwQUOTE <1-22> - Will put a RedDwarf Quote into main for all to see,
choose from 1 to 22 quotes.
/DwQUOTE RANDOM - Will choose a random quote from 1 to 22 and display it
in main.
/CTCP <nick> Finger - Find out when <nick> last ran a DWaRFx script aswell as
finding out their full name and email address.
@{b}Encryption@{ub} - Lots of options, fairly complex...
This command is used to send Encrypted messages over irc, so that only
people with an encoded message decoder can read them.
Usage: /DwX [$MODE] [!KEY] [DESTINATION] message
[$MODE] makes the encryptor use one of the following methods:
$0-$9 = MCF (Using Encryption Table 0-9)
$A = Cybeonix (Default)
$B = SoundLeech
$C = DWaRFx (Uses [!KEY] to encrypt text, if [!KEY] isn't
Supplied, the channel name will be used instead)
[!KEY] is used with the [$MODE] $C (any ascii text, except space)
[DESTINATION] can output the message as one of the following:
#[CHANNEL] = sends the message to the channel (Default)
*TOPIC = sets the current channels topic to the message
/[NICK] = sends a private message to [NICK]
Encode Examples:
/DwX Testing 1.2.3
This will output the encoded version of 'Testing 1.2.3' to the current
channel, using the default message encryption routine, which is Cybeonix.
/DwX /COolWAve Testing 1.2.3
This will output the encoded version of 'Testing 1.2.3' to the nick
'COolWAve', using the default message encryption routine, which is Cybeonix.
/DwX $4 Hello Everybody!
This will output the encoded version of 'Hello Everybody!' to the current
channel, using the MCF table 4 message encryption routine.
/DwX $7 *TOPIC Hello Everybody!
This will output the encoded version of 'Hello Everybody!' as the topic
for the current channel, using the MCF table 7 message encryption routine.
/DwX $B #AmIRC The Amiga IRC Channel!
This will output the encoded version of 'The Amiga IRC Channel!' to the
channel '#AmIRC', using the SoundLeech message encryption routine.
/DwX $C Hello All DWaRFx Users!
This will output the encoded version of 'Hello All DWaRFx Users!' to
the current channel, using the DWaRFx message encryption routine. NOTE:
As there is no '!' key used, the message is encoded using the channel
name, and everybody running DWaRFx should be able to read this message!
/DwX $C !Muppets *TOPIC Hi DWaRFx Users with the key Muppets!
This will output the encoded version of 'Hi DWaRFx Users with the key
Muppets!' as the topic for the current channel, using the DWaRFx message
encryption routine. NOTE: There is a '!' key used, so the message will
be encoded using the key 'Muppets' (which is case sensitive, which means
that Muppets is not the same as MUPPETS). This means that only people
with their DWaRFx config decode key ('$KEY') set as Muppets will be able
to read this message.
DWaRFx Friends list
This command is used to automatically add/delete/edit to the !FRIENDS
section of the DWaRFx Config file.
Usage: /DwFRIEND <ADD/SHOW/DEL> <friend> [settings]
ADD - Adds (or updates) a friend. SHOW - Displays a friend.
DEL - Deletes a friend.
Where <friend> must be one of the following:
[NICK] - This can only be used if [NICK] is on irc at the time!
- If this is used, DWaRFx will try and automatically use
- wildcards when it thinks it's nessecary. If this doesn't seem
- to work, or it greets the wrong person, try the next option!
[NICK!NAME@HOSTNAME] - The whole address of the friend to add. You
- can use '*' wildcards, and this is exactly
- how DWaRFx will store it, so please make
- sure you understand how these work! If in doubt,
- Use the [NICK] option :).
Where [settings] can be none, one or more of the following:
RATING <00-99> - Sets the status level of the friend (default is 00).
OP - Sets Auto Op for this friend.
MESSAGE <[X][Y]> <[message]> - Greeting for this friend.
[X] must be either C or P, for Channel or Private greeting.
[Y] must be either M, A or N, for Message, Action or Notice greeting.
The [message] can contain special '/' codes, which can be used to make
clever messages. See the section on SPECIAL DWaRFx MESSAGE CODES. If
you require a single '/' in the message, use '//' as DWaRFx would think
you were using the special MESSAGE CODES that all start with '/' then
a single command character (ie '/c' for the channel name).
So the command line 'ADD COolWAve RATING 50 OP MESSAGE CN Hello Dave!'
Will add the current host using the nickname 'COolWAve' with a RATING
of 50, Auto Op on, and set the greeting to 'Hello Dave!' using a CHANNEL