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- DWaRFx by Gareth Murfin & David Newton
- ----------------------------------------
- Full Commands list for v2.4 of DWaRFx
- -------------------------------------
- ^---*---^
- Thankyou for downloading & installing DWaRFx and then having the sense
- to print off this essential list of commands.
- ^---*---^
- 3 Important notes to succeed with DWaRFx :-
- Join #AmIRC GalaxyNet (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org 6668) to meet the authors.
- /Dfx begins DWaRFx although it SHOULD begin automatically on connection.
- For these commands to work you must have typed this in AmIRC to setup all
- the alais's etc:- /rx Rexx/DWaRFx/DWaRFALiAS.AmIRX
- ^---*---^
- %QUIT - This stops DWaRFx running. You only have to use this command
- if you wish to continue using AmIRC, but without the aid of
- DWaRFx. DWaRFx will normally quit when you quit AmIRC.
- %RELOAD - This command rereads the DWaRFx config file ('DWaRFCoNFiG.DaT').
- This is useful if you have changed the config file, while DWaRFx
- is running, as it save's you the trouble of quiting it, and then
- reloading DWaRFx to use the new config settings.
- %DEBUG - This command is mainly for debugging purposes. You shouldn't
- need to use this command as it is only used to test DWaRFx
- is working properly. This will output the value of an ARexx
- variable (supplied along with the %DEBUG command) from the
- DWaRFx ARexx script.
- All MASTER commands for your DWaRFx may only be sent by you. '%'
- commands sent by somebody else on irc to you, will not be processed by
- DWaRFx.
- @{b}List of commands available in DWaRFx :-@{ub}
- /DwVERS - Shows your Version in Main for all to see.
- /DwCALC - Brings up a calculator for quick sums.
- /DwTIME - Brings up the date and time settings
- /DwCLOCK - Brings up a Clock
- /DwSOUND - Brings up Play16 requester (if its in C:)
- (so you can manually listen to sounds on
- AmIRC)
- /DwVIEW - Brings up ViewTek requester (if its in C:)
- (so you can manually view pictures on
- AmIRC)
- /DwAWAY <away message> - Sets you away with the reason specified
- /DwBACK - Sets you back.
- /DwKICK <nick> <time> - Sets a speak kick on <nick> for <time> seconds.
- If no time is specified a default of 60 sec is
- used.
- /dk <number1-22> <nick>- Kicks <nick> using kick number <1-22>
- /dk RANDWARF <nick> - Kicks <nick> using a randomly picked kick
- from 1-22
- /DwSCALE <nick> <1-10> - Judges <nick> on a scale of 1-10 in Main.
- 1 is good and 10 is bad, 9 kicks, 10 kickbans,
- /DwTALK - Makes a robotic voice Speak all the words in
- AmIRC.1. Private messages are spoken slower
- than Main messages so you can distinguish them.
- To quit msg yourself DIEKRYTEN.
- /DwBOMB - Innitiates a very nasty Channel bomb which will
- Mass deop,ban & kick all users.
- /DwMDEOP - Mass DeOPs entire channel.
- /DwMKICK - Mass Kicks Entire channel.
- /DwQUIT <reason> - Quits AmIRC with the <reason> given.
- /DwMOP - Mass OPs entire channel.
- /DwRAWAY 0 <AwayReason>- Sets you away with a random RedDwarf Away quote
- and also the <reason> given. The 0 picks a
- random RedDwarf quote but you could replace it
- with 1-5 to pick specific quotes.
- /DwRAWAY 0 - Sets you back with a random reddwarf quote.The
- 0 picks a random RedDwarf quote but you could
- replace it with 1-5 to pick specific quotes.
- /DwMINVITE <channel> - Mass Invites everyone in the channel to the
- channel specified. (ie, join if you joined #Gaz
- and typed /DwMINVITE #AmIRC then you would
- invite everyone in #Gaz to #AmIRC).
- /DwMINVITE2 <channel> - Mass Invites the channel to the channel specified
- Puts a 15 sec Gap between each invite to stop
- the user getting flooded on large channels
- such as #FunFactory.
- (ie, join if you joined #Gaz and typed /DwMINVITE
- #AmIRC then you would invite everyone in #Gaz
- to #AmIRC although it would wait 15sec between
- each invite.).
- /DwMMSG <message> - Mass messages the entire channel with the text
- specified.
- /DwINSULT <options> <nick> - Insults <nick> in Main with the options
- <options>. Each option must be seperated by a
- space! Options are :-
- /W<delay> will pause inbetween output for that
- many vblanks (second/50).
- /S will speak the insult on clients with a rexx
- speech script turned on.
- /#<number_of_insults> will send that many random
- insults (1-25).
- /F<insults_file_name> will use the insults from
- the file named instead of
- `Amirc:Rexx/DWaRFx/DWaRFiNSULT.tXt'.
- Alternatively Miss out options and just simply
- insult <nick> in main. (Check out
- AmIRC:rexx/DWaRFx/ to see how you can edit
- the insults)
- /DwINSULT - Picks a nick at random and insults them.
- /DwMUNVOICE - Mass Unvoices the entire channel.
- /DwCOPY - Runs a Private Nickserv which deals with users
- who are trying to steal your Nick. Ie, If
- You were Gaz and someone tried to use the nick
- StarGAZer then the script would kick them.
- /DwALIAS - Set Up the Alias's, should be the 1st thing you
- do when setting up DWaRFx. If you havent done it
- yet, type this now ->
- /rx Rexx/DWaRFx/DWaRFALiAS.AmIRX
- /DwANNOY - Mass Deops Channel Then Really annoys them with
- flashing screens, changing channelModes and
- encode... (email gazy@globalnet.co.uk if you think
- that there should be a none ops version too)
- /DwBAR - Sets up a DWaRFBAR where people can get snacks from.
- #Menu will automatically dcc the menu to them.
- Options Once Begun are :-
- #QUIT - quits script remotely
- #MENU - Sends user a menu
- #<snack>- Sends user the snack.
- #<other>- Tells user that is not available.
- @{FG shine} @{b}Note@{ub}: If you want to perform these functions to yourself
- then you must priv msg the above
- commands to yourself. Others can simply put them in main. @{FG text}
- /DwLOG - Takes all text from all windows and puts it into
- Main for all to see. used to show up users who insult
- you in Priv Msg... (can go a bit mental if you join
- a server while its activated)
- Options Once Begun are :-
- #DIEHOLLY - quits script remotely
- #REDDWARF - Sends user a list of DWaRFx features
- # - Slaps User :)
- @{FG shine} @{b}Note@{ub}: If you want to perform these functions to yourself
- then you must priv msg the above
- commands to yourself. Others can simply put them in main. @{FG text}
- /DwMHIDE - Performs a Mass Hide Ops operation, If the channel is
- full of ops it will look like there is no ops. If it
- is a mixed bag of ops and non ops it will reverse all
- the op signs by opping the none ops and giving the
- appearance that the ops dont have ops. (trying to see
- how many times I could fit the word Ops into a
- sentance :).
- /DwREPLY <nick> <text> - Sends a confusing fake reply to <nick> saying
- <text>.
- /DwDEF <1-22> - Will put a definition of a funny RedDwarf object into
- main for all to see, choose from 1 to 22.
- /DwDEF RANDOM - Will put a definition of a funny RedDwarf object into
- main for all to see, selects randomly from 22 choices.
- /DwQUOTE <1-22> - Will put a RedDwarf Quote into main for all to see,
- choose from 1 to 22 quotes.
- /DwQUOTE RANDOM - Will choose a random quote from 1 to 22 and display it
- in main.
- /CTCP <nick> Finger - Find out when <nick> last ran a DWaRFx script aswell as
- finding out their full name and email address.
- @{b}Encryption@{ub} - Lots of options, fairly complex...
- This command is used to send Encrypted messages over irc, so that only
- people with an encoded message decoder can read them.
- Usage: /DwX [$MODE] [!KEY] [DESTINATION] message
- [$MODE] makes the encryptor use one of the following methods:
- $0-$9 = MCF (Using Encryption Table 0-9)
- $A = Cybeonix (Default)
- $B = SoundLeech
- $C = DWaRFx (Uses [!KEY] to encrypt text, if [!KEY] isn't
- Supplied, the channel name will be used instead)
- [!KEY] is used with the [$MODE] $C (any ascii text, except space)
- [DESTINATION] can output the message as one of the following:
- #[CHANNEL] = sends the message to the channel (Default)
- *TOPIC = sets the current channels topic to the message
- /[NICK] = sends a private message to [NICK]
- Encode Examples:
- /DwX Testing 1.2.3
- This will output the encoded version of 'Testing 1.2.3' to the current
- channel, using the default message encryption routine, which is Cybeonix.
- /DwX /COolWAve Testing 1.2.3
- This will output the encoded version of 'Testing 1.2.3' to the nick
- 'COolWAve', using the default message encryption routine, which is Cybeonix.
- /DwX $4 Hello Everybody!
- This will output the encoded version of 'Hello Everybody!' to the current
- channel, using the MCF table 4 message encryption routine.
- /DwX $7 *TOPIC Hello Everybody!
- This will output the encoded version of 'Hello Everybody!' as the topic
- for the current channel, using the MCF table 7 message encryption routine.
- /DwX $B #AmIRC The Amiga IRC Channel!
- This will output the encoded version of 'The Amiga IRC Channel!' to the
- channel '#AmIRC', using the SoundLeech message encryption routine.
- /DwX $C Hello All DWaRFx Users!
- This will output the encoded version of 'Hello All DWaRFx Users!' to
- the current channel, using the DWaRFx message encryption routine. NOTE:
- As there is no '!' key used, the message is encoded using the channel
- name, and everybody running DWaRFx should be able to read this message!
- /DwX $C !Muppets *TOPIC Hi DWaRFx Users with the key Muppets!
- This will output the encoded version of 'Hi DWaRFx Users with the key
- Muppets!' as the topic for the current channel, using the DWaRFx message
- encryption routine. NOTE: There is a '!' key used, so the message will
- be encoded using the key 'Muppets' (which is case sensitive, which means
- that Muppets is not the same as MUPPETS). This means that only people
- with their DWaRFx config decode key ('$KEY') set as Muppets will be able
- to read this message.
- DWaRFx Friends list
- This command is used to automatically add/delete/edit to the !FRIENDS
- section of the DWaRFx Config file.
- Usage: /DwFRIEND <ADD/SHOW/DEL> <friend> [settings]
- ADD - Adds (or updates) a friend. SHOW - Displays a friend.
- DEL - Deletes a friend.
- Where <friend> must be one of the following:
- [NICK] - This can only be used if [NICK] is on irc at the time!
- - If this is used, DWaRFx will try and automatically use
- - wildcards when it thinks it's nessecary. If this doesn't seem
- - to work, or it greets the wrong person, try the next option!
- [NICK!NAME@HOSTNAME] - The whole address of the friend to add. You
- - can use '*' wildcards, and this is exactly
- - how DWaRFx will store it, so please make
- - sure you understand how these work! If in doubt,
- - Use the [NICK] option :).
- Where [settings] can be none, one or more of the following:
- RATING <00-99> - Sets the status level of the friend (default is 00).
- OP - Sets Auto Op for this friend.
- MESSAGE <[X][Y]> <[message]> - Greeting for this friend.
- [X] must be either C or P, for Channel or Private greeting.
- [Y] must be either M, A or N, for Message, Action or Notice greeting.
- The [message] can contain special '/' codes, which can be used to make
- clever messages. See the section on SPECIAL DWaRFx MESSAGE CODES. If
- you require a single '/' in the message, use '//' as DWaRFx would think
- you were using the special MESSAGE CODES that all start with '/' then
- a single command character (ie '/c' for the channel name).
- So the command line 'ADD COolWAve RATING 50 OP MESSAGE CN Hello Dave!'
- Will add the current host using the nickname 'COolWAve' with a RATING
- of 50, Auto Op on, and set the greeting to 'Hello Dave!' using a CHANNEL